My Story and Background

Hi, I'm Zach! I have been passionate about movement and fitness since I was a little kid. I grew up in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania playing baseball, hockey, and hiking around the hills of Western PA. After college, I fell in love with learning how the human body works and have studied it vigorously ever since. I love to help people learn how to move better, reduce pain, and solve chronic problems.


  • LMT - Licensed Massage Therapist

  • The Human Matrix - Zac Cupples

  • Postural Restoration Institute

    • Myokinematics

    • Pelvis Restoration

  • FRA - Functional Range Assessment

  • FRCms - Certified Mobility Specialist

  • FRSC - Functional Range Strength Coach

  • CHEK Institute Exercise Coach

  • Education Training Concepts

    • Full Body Cadaver Lab

    • Biomechanics Course

"A journey of 1,000 miles begins with your first step, but ends with you collapsing 1,000 miles away, probably in some desert somewhere" - Norm Macdonald

It has certainly been a long journey for myself to attain the skills and knowledge to where I feel like I can help people with their fitness and well-being. More than anything, I can truly empathize with people who are struggling with chronic pain or discomfort and have tried many things with little to no lasting success. It took me 15 years of searching and experimenting with my own exercise, diet, and lifestyle choices to get to a place where it feels great to be alive again. That doesn't mean that I don't still suffer the occasional stiff or tight joints or have a minor injury here or there, but I now have enough in my tool box to prevent, manage, or quickly remedy any of those types of issues.